How to Connect to Mongodb Server in Windows

Select the operating system platform on which you are running the MongoDB client you have selected.

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Pass the URI to the mongo shell followed by the --password option. You will then be prompted for your password.

                    mongo.exe <URISTRING_SHELL_NOUSER>                  

Pass the URI to the mongo shell followed by the --password option. You will then be prompted for your password.

                    mongo <URISTRING_SHELL_NOUSER>                  

Pass the URI to the mongo shell followed by the --password option. You will then be prompted for your password.

                    mongo <URISTRING_SHELL_NOUSER>                  

If you wish to manually configure your Compass connection, load Compass and select the New Connection link. You will see a form where you can enter connection information for MongoDB.

Atlas users can copy a URI string from the Atlas console into Compass. MongoDB Compass can detect whether you have a MongoDB URI connection string in your system clipboard and auto- populate the connection dialog from the URI.

See Set Up Atlas Connectivity for information on how to get the Atlas connection string URI into your copy buffer.

If Compass was already running when you copied the URI string, click the NEW CONNECTION button.


You will be prompted to populate the connection dialog. Click Yes.

You should then populate the password field with the proper password for your MongoDB user in the connection form.


Errors related to connecting through Compass will appear in red at the top of the Connect screen.

It's a good idea to put your connection code in a class so that it can be reused.

                            from              pymongo              import              MongoClient              class              Connect              (              object              ):              @staticmethod              def              get_connection              ():              return              MongoClient              (              "<URISTRING>"              )            

If your connection_string starts with mongodb+srv, you need to install the dnspython module with

              python -m pip install dnspython            

Now add code to call the class you just created.

                            from              connect              import              Connect              from              pymongo              import              MongoClient              connection              =              Connect              .              get_connection              ()            

For the MongoDB java driver 3.7 and beyond, use the MongoClients.create() method.

                            final              String              uriString              =              "<URISTRING>"              ;              MongoClient              mongoClient              =              MongoClients              .              create              (              uriString              );            

For legacy drivers (prior to 3.7), use:

                            final              String              uriString              =              "<URISTRING>"              ;              MongoClientURI              uri              =              new              MongoClientURI              (              uriString              );              MongoClient              mongoClient              =              new              MongoClient              (              uri              );            
                        const            MongoClient            =            require            (            'mongodb'            ).            MongoClient            ;            const            assert            =            require            (            'assert'            );            // Connection URL            const            url            =            '<URISTRING>'            ;            // Use connect method to connect to the Server            MongoClient            .            connect            (            url            ,            function            (            err            ,            client            )            {            assert            .            equal            (            null            ,            err            );            client            .            close            ();            });          

The MongoDB.Bson package is used in CRUD operations, so you'll import it here.

                            using              System              ;              using              MongoDB.Bson              ;              using              MongoDB.Driver              ;              namespace              csharptest              {              class              Connect              {              static              void              Main              (              string              []              args              )              {              var              client              =              new              MongoClient              (              "<URISTRING>"              );              }              }              }            

Replace your password and any parameters surrounded by $[] in the connection string in the code below.

For now, you will use the context.TODO().

Later you'll configure the context specific to your requirements.

                            client              ,              err              :=              mongo              .              Connect              (              context              .              TODO              (),              "<URISTRING>"              );              if              err              !=              nil              {              log              .              Fatal              (              err              )              }            

You won't know if the connection has been successful until you use the connection. A ping is one way you can test the connection. This is a full example of a Go connection to mongoDB, including a test ping .

                            package              main              import              (              "context"              "fmt"              ""              "log"              )              func              main              ()              {              // Open Connection              client              ,              err              :=              mongo              .              Connect              (              context              .              TODO              (),              "<URISTRING>"              );              if              err              !=              nil              {              log              .              Fatal              (              err              )              }              // End Open Connection Code              // Check the connection              err              =              client              .              Ping              (              context              .              TODO              (),              nil              )              if              err              !=              nil              {              log              .              Fatal              (              err              )              }              fmt              .              Println              (              "Connected to MongoDB!"              )              }            

In your Go workspace and project folder, run build.

Now run the binary. For binaries that are not installed, you'll have to specify the path.

If you'd like to run the resulting binary without specifying a path, install the binary you just built into your Go workspace.

Now run the code. "yourprojectname" is the name of the project directory that contains the file with your main() function.

For installed binaries use:

For binaries that are not installed, you'll have to specify the path.

The default timeout for the Go driver to connect to the database is 30 seconds. In the event that you are unable to connect, you will see an error that resembles this:

              2019/01/09 10:01:50 server selection timeout            

How to Connect to Mongodb Server in Windows


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